Identification of self-derived molecules recognized by immune sensors

The "identification of a wide variety of substances" is the most distinctive ability acquired by the immune system. This ability is thought to have evolved to enable organisms to sense a variety of foreign enemies, but it has recently been found to be involved in the recognition of self-components as well. Our group has established a platform to purify and identify self- and non-self-derived molecules recognized by innate immune receptors, and identified novel interactions mainly by focusing on C-type lectin receptors. In this project team, we will share the platform within this research field “Self-referential immune perception” and expand the targets to acquired immune receptors, aiming at strategic identification of self-components recognized by whole immune sensors. In particular, we aim to identify self-derived components recognized by unconventional T cells through the combination of classical biochemistry and novel genetic analyses under the collaboration with other T cell biologists, analytical chemists and bioinformaticians in our research field. In addition, by clarifying the merits and demerits of biological responses caused by such self-interactions, we aim to elucidate the high-resolution self-monitoring network played by "self-recognition by immune sensors" and its universal biological significance beyond immunology.
- *Reis E Sousa C, *Yamasaki S, *Brown GD. Myeloid C-type lectin receptors in innate immune recognition. Immunity 57:700-717, 2024
- Ito E, Inuki S, Izumi Y, Takahashi M, Dambayashi Y, Ciacchi L, Awad W, Takeyama A, Shibata K, Mori S, Mak JYW, Fairlie DP, Bamba T, Ishikawa E, Nagae M, Rossjohn J, Yamasaki S. Sulfated bile acid is a host-derived ligand for MAIT cells. Sci. Immunol. 9:eade6924, 2024
- Shimizu T, Schutt CR, Izumi Y, Tomiyasu N, Omahdi Z, Kano K, Takamatsu H, Aoki J, Bamba T, Kumanogoh A, Takao M, Yamasaki S. Direct activation of microglia by β-glucosylceramide causes phagocytosis of neurons that exacerbates Gaucher disease. Immunity 56:307-319.e8, 2023

徳島大学大学院医歯薬学研究部 教授
We have been identifying and analyzing the functions of glycans, peptides, lipids, and small molecule metabolites that regulate immune system on the basis of bioorganic chemistry approaches. Through the rational designs, synthetic studies and chemical modifications of immnomodulators, we are tackling the elucidation of the molecular recognition mechanisms associated with immunoreceptors and the development of chemical tools and drug candidates. In this research project, our ligand identification scheme combining the chemical synthesis with the spectroscopic techniques, will be expanded to discover key molecules involving immunoreceptor-mediated self-recognition. We plan to carry out the structure-activity relationship studies, chemical modifications and in silico molecular simulations of newly identified ligands. These approaches would provide the understanding of the details of receptor-ligand interactions, leading to uncovering molecular basis of self-recognition by the immune system.
- Matsuoka T, Motozono C, Hattori, A, Kakeya H, Yamasaki S, Oishi S, Ohno, H, Inuki S. The effects of 5-OP-RU stereochemistry on its stability and MAIT-MR1 axis. ChemBioChem. 22: 672–8, 2021
- Takeuchi H, Inuki S, Nakagawa K, Kawabe T, Ichimura A, Oishi S, Ohno H. Total Synthesis of Zephycarinatines via Photocatalytic Reductive Radical ipso-Cyclization. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59: 21210–15, 2020
- Inuki S, Kashiwabara E, Hirata N, Kishi J. Nabika E, Fujimoto Y. Potent Th2 Cytokine-Bias of Natural Killer T Cell by CD1d Glycolipid Ligands Based on “Anchoring Effect” of Polar Groups in Their Lipid Component. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57: 9655–9, 2018

The purpose of our project is to elucidate the recognition mechanism of endogenous ligands of innate immune receptors using glycobiological and structural biological methods. For this purpose, we will establish glycoprotein (or glycopeptide, glycolipid) purification conditions for glycosylated self-components and provide them for the identification of self-components recognized by innate immune receptors. The combinations of the innate immune receptor-ligands identified by the platform will be subjected to X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy as well as computational approaches to elucidate the structural details of the self-recognition mechanism at the atomic level.
In parallel with the above research, we will also provide technical support for protein structure analysis (X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM analysis) upon request from the general group and open recruitment group.
- The cellular and molecular basis of CD69 function in anti-tumor immunity.*Nagae M, Hirata T, Tokoro Y, Tateno H, Yamaguchi Y, Shimizu T, Yasuhiko Kizuka (*Co-corresponding authors) Discovery of a lectin domain in N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-IVa (MGAT4A), a regulatory subunit for catalysis. Commun. Biol. 5: 695, 2022
- Lu X, Hosono Y, Nagae M, Ishizuka S, Ishikawa E, Motooka D, Ozaki Y, Sax N, Maeda Y, Kato Y, Morita T, Shinnakasu R, Inoue T, Onodera T, Matsumura T, Shinkai M, Sato T, Nakamura S, Mori S, Kanda T, Nakayama EE, Shioda T, Kurosaki T, Takeda K, Kumanogoh A, Arase H, Nakagami H, Yamashita K, Takahashi Y, Yamasaki S. Identification of conserved SARS-CoV-2 spike epitopes that expand public cTfh clonotypes in mild COVID-19 patients. J. Exp. Med. 218: e20211327, 2021
- *Nagae M, Kizuka Y, Mihara E, Kitago Y, Hanashima S, Ito Y, Takagi J, Taniguchi N, Yamaguchi Y. (*Correspondence author) Structure and mechanism of cancer-associated N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-V. Nat. Commun. 9: 3380, 2018
Molecular and structural bases underlying innate immune sensing of self-derived nucleic acids in lysosomes

自然免疫系は非自己病原体を認識して排除する生体防御システムであるが、近年、自己成分をも認識することが明らかとなってきた。核酸特異的Toll様受容体(Toll-like receptor, TLR)は、病原体由来核酸に加えて組織損傷などの場合に放出される自己由来核酸にも応答し、様々な疾患の病態に関わる。この自己指向性核酸認識が「罪」の面ばかりでなく恒常性維持に貢献する「功」の側面も持つのか、本計画研究で明らかにする。具体的には、リソソームにおける自己由来核酸に対するTLR応答を、機能的な観点のみならず、構造生物学的、核酸化学的な観点も含めて高解像度でかつ多角的に解析し、その応答の「罪」として組織球症を、「功」として炎症抑制、貪食・クリアランス、組織修復を示す。これらの解析を通して、TLRが担う自己指向性の生物学的意義の解明とTLRストレス応答という新たな概念の確立を目指す。
The innate immune system senses pathogen components to activate defence responses. The innate immune system also responds to self-derived components. For example, Nucleic acid (NA)-sensing Toll-like receptors (TLRs) not only respond to pathogen-derived NAs, but also to self-derived NAs released from damaged cells. NA-sensing TLRs are activated during lysosomal NA stress, accumulation of self-derived NA metabolites due to impaired NA metabolism in the endosomal compartment. We would like to refer to such responses as TLR stress responses. Using genetical, cell biological, structural and chemical approaches, we will analyse TLR stress responses to reveal their roles in: disease such as autoimmune diseases and histiocytosis as the dark side; and tissue clearance and repair as the light side. The goal of our analyses is to extend our understanding of TLR responses beyond inflammatory responses to stress response.
- Murakami Y, Fukui R, Tanaka R, Motoi Y, Kanno A, Sato R, Yamaguchi K, Amano H, Furukawa Y, Suzuki H, Suzuki Y, Tamura N, Yamashita N, Miyake K. Anti-TLR7 Antibody Protects Against Lupus Nephritis in NZBWF1 Mice by Targeting B Cells and Patrolling Monocytes. Front. Immunol. 12: 777197, 2021
- Sato R, Kato A, Chimura T, Saitoh SI, Shibata T, Murakami Y, Fukui R, Liu K, Zhang Y, Arii J, Sun-Wada GH, Wada Y, Ikenoue T, Barber GN, Manabe T, Kawaguchi Y, Miyake K. Combating herpesvirus encephalitis by potentiating a TLR3-mTORC2 axis. Nat Immunol. 19: 1071-82, 2018
- Shibata T, Ohto U, Nomura S, Kibata K, Motoi Y, Zhang Y, Murakami Y, Fukui R, Ishimoto T, Sano S, Ito T, Shimizu T, Miyake K. Guanosine and its modified derivatives are endogenous ligands for TLR7. Int. Immunol. 28: 211-22, 2016

Our research field is Structural Biology and our aim is to create the structural basis of the biological molecules and to understand the biological functions from the structural and mechanistic viewpoints.
As the methodology for structural analysis, we mainly make use of single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and X-ray crystallography, determining 3D structures of proteins at atomic resolution.
Innate immunity constitutes the primary defense system of host against invading microbial pathogens. This mechanism of host defense involves the recognition of pathogens by pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs). The two principal classes of PRRs predominantly involved in the recognition of molecular structures unique to microbial pathogens are Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs). Our structural, biophysical and cellular studies of innate immunity will focus on TLRs, especially nucleic acid sensing TLRs working in lysosome, and NLRs. In addition, we focus on transporters and nucleic acid processing enzymes in lysosome, which play important roles in the regulation of lysosomal environment and affecting the nucleic acid sensing TLRs activities. These studies will advance our understanding of receptor activation and regulatory mechanisms in innate immunity.
- Ishida H, Asami J, Zhang Z, Nishizawa T, Shigematsu H, Ohto U, Shimizu T. Cryo-EM structures of Toll-like receptors in complex with UNC93B1. Nat. Struc. Mol. Biol. 28:173-80, 2021
- Zhang Z, Ohto U, Shibata T, Krayukhina E, Taoka M, Yamauchi Y, Tanji H, Isobe T, Uchiyama S, Miyake K, Shimizu T. Structural basis for activation of Toll-like receptor 7, a dual receptor for guanosine and single-stranded RNA. Immunity 45: 737-48, 2016
- Tanji H, Ohto U, Shibata T, Miyake K, Shimizu T. Structural reorganization of the Toll-like receptor 8 dimer induced by agonistic ligands. Science 339: 1426-9, 2013

免疫センサーが直接結合し、認識するRNA(リボ核酸)をUV クロスリンク免疫沈降法(CLIP)などによって同定し、その相互作用が自己・非自己免疫系に及ぼす影響を遺伝子改変マウスを用いて解析、免疫系とRNAの連関による新たな免疫・炎症分子メカニズムを解明します。
RNA (ribonucleic acid) directly bound and recognized by immune sensors will be identified by UV cross-linked immunoprecipitation (CLIP). The effects of their interactions on the autoimmune and non-autoimmune systems will be analyzed using genetically modified mice to elucidate new immune and inflammatory molecular mechanisms through the linkage between the immune system and RNAs.
- Nakamichi R, Ma S, Nonoyama T, Chiba T, Kurimoto R, Ohzono H, Olmer M, Shukunami C, Fuku N, Wang F, Morrison E, Pitsiladis YP, Ozaki T, D’Lima D, Lotz M, Patapoutian A, Asahara H*. The mechanosensitive ion channel PIEZO1 is expressed in tendons and regulates physical performance. Sci. Transl. Med. 14:eabj5557, 2022
- Ito Y, Matsuzaki T, Ayabe F, Mokuda S, Kurimoto R, Matsushima T, Mochizuki Y, Inotsume M, Tsutsumi H, Liu L, Shinohara M, Tanaka Y, Nakamichi R, Nishida K, Lotz M, Asahara H*. Both microRNA-455-5p and -3p repress hypoxia-inducible factor-2α expression and coordinately regulate cartilage homeostasis. Nat. Commun. 12:4148, 2021
- Kurimoto R, Chiba T, Ito Y, Matsushima T, Yano Y, Miyata K, Yashiro Y, Suzuki T, Tomita K, Asahara H*. The tRNA pseudouridine synthase TruB1 regulates the maturation and function of let-7 miRNA. EMBO J. 39: e104708, 2020
Comprehensive identification of self-ligands and understanding of immune network formation through self-recognition

研究代表者の和泉は、質量分析を基盤としたオミクス解析(メタボロミクス、リピドミクス、プロテオミクス)を専門とし、各種クロマトグラフィー高分解能質量分析・分取技術を用いて内因性代謝物リガンドの同定に成功してきた(Nagata, PNAS 2018; Nagata, J Exp Med 2021)。本研究では、世界最高レベルの分離・分析・分取技術を用いて、免疫センサー分子が認識する未知の自己成分(=自己リガンド)を包括的に同定する。さらに、免疫センサー分子群と自己成分の結合親和性(Kd)、免疫センサー分子と自己成分の定量値、高精度のオミクスデータを取得し、研究分担者の宇田と連携しながら情報理論的アプローチから自己認識を介した免疫ネットワーク形成の数理モデルを構築する。
Dr. Izumi is a researcher specializing in omics analysis, including metabolomics, lipidomics, and proteomics by mass spectrometry. Izumi and colleagues have successfully identified exogenous and endogenous metabolite ligands using various chromatographic high-resolution mass spectrometry and preparative techniques (Nagata, PNAS 2018; Nagata, J Exp Med 2021). In this study, we will use omics analysis techniques to comprehensively identify unknown self components (i.e., self-ligands) recognized by immunosensors. Using the binding affinity (Kd) between immunosensor molecules and self-ligands, quantitative values of self-ligands, and high-precision omics data, we will attempt to construct a mathematical model of immune network formation through self-recognition from an information-theoretic approach in collaboration with our research partner, Dr. Uda.
- Nishiumi S, Izumi Y, Hirayama A, Takahashi M, Nakao M, Hata K, Saigusa D, Hishinuma E, Matsukawa N, Tokuoka SM, Kita Y, Hamano F, Okahashi N, Ikeda K, Nakanishi H, Saito K, Hirai MY, Yoshida M, Oda Y, Matsuda F, Bamba T. Comparative evaluation of plasma metabolomic data from multiple laboratories. Metabolites 12: 135, 2022
- Hata K, Izumi Y, Hara T, Matsumoto M, Bamba T. In-line sample processing system with an immobilized trypsin-packed fused-silica capillary tube for proteomic analysis of a small number of mammalian cells. Anal. Chem. 92: 2997-3005, 2020
- Takahashi M, Izumi Y, Iwahashi F, Nakayama Y, Iwakoshi M, Nakao M, Yamato S, Fukusaki E, Bamba T.Highly accurate detection and identification methodology of xenobiotic metabolites using stable isotope labeling, data mining techniques, and time-dependent profiling based on LC/HRMS/MS. Anal. Chem. 90: 9068-76, 2018

システム生物学の観点から生命現象のモデリング、および、統計学的手法や機械学習を用いた生物学データの解析に取り組んでいる。そのひとつとして、情報理論的アプローチから非線形な相互作用の解析を可能とする方法の開発を行っている(Uda, Science 2013; Uda, Biophys Rev 2020)。本領域における研究では、研究代表者の和泉らによって同定される免疫センサー分子が認識する未知の自己成分(=自己リガンド)と免疫センサー分子に関する定量情報および高精度オミクスデータを用いて、自己認識を介した免疫ネットワーク形成の数理モデルの構築を目指す。
We tackle problems of biological data analysis from the viewpoint of systems biology by statistical analysis and machine learning methods. In particular, we develop methods to evaluate nonlinear interactions between biological components by using the framework of information theory (Uda, Science 2013; Uda, Biophys Rev 2020). In this research project, the goal is the mathematical modeling of the network of self-recognition by the immune system, and we analyze omics datasets using the information with respect to immunosensor molecules, which are acquired by the collaborators.
- Matsuzaki F, Uda S, Yamauchi Y, Matsumoto M, Soga T, Maehara K, Ohkawa Y, Nakayama KI, Kuroda S, Kubota H. An extensive and dynamic trans-omic network illustrating prominent regulatory mechanisms in response to insulin in the liver. Cell Rep. 36: 109569, 2021
- Kubota H, Uda S, Matsuzaki F, Yamauchi Y, Kuroda S. In Vivo Decoding Mechanisms of the Temporal Patterns of Blood Insulin by the Insulin-AKT Pathway in the Liver. Cell Syst. 7:118-28.e3, 2018
- Uda S, Saito TH, Kudo T, Kokaji T, Tsuchiya T, Kubota H, Komori Y, Ozaki Y, Kuroda S. Robustness and Compensation of Information Transmission of Signaling Pathways. Science 341: 558-61, 2013
Sensing mechanisms for self-phospholipids and cell-intrinsic immunity

The plasma membrane is a fundamental structure of living organisms and is composed of the lipid bilayer, where the constituent phospholipids are asymmetrically distributed. Flippases are molecules that recognize their specific membrane phospholipids as substrates and distribute them asymmetrically. Mice deficient in a flippase show immune-related abnormalities such as efferocytosis of progenitor B cells by macrophages and abnormal proteostasis of several membrane proteins. Humans deficient in a flippase localized at the endoplasmic reticulum are also vulnerable to specific pathogens. By strategically identifying molecules that sense and regulate phospholipids in the biological membranes, this project aims to elucidate the unknown self-surveillance and cell-intrinsic immunity systems and their biological significance beyond immunology.
- Segawa K, Kikuchi A, Noji T, Sugiura Y, Hiraga K, Suzuki C, Haginoya K, Kobayashi Y, Matsunaga M, Ochiai Y, Yamada K, Nishimura T, Iwasawa S, Shoji W, Sugihara F, Nishino K, Kosako H, Ikawa M, Uchiyama Y, Suematsu M, Ishikita H, Kure S, Nagata S. A sublethal ATP11A mutation associated with neurological deterioration causes aberrant phosphatidylcholine flipping in plasma membranes. J. Clin. Invest. 131:e148005, 2021
- Segawa K, Yanagihashi Y, Yamada K, Suzuki C, Uchiyama Y, Nagata S. Phospholipid flippases enable precursor B cells to flee engulfment by macrophages. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 115: 12212-7, 2018
- Segawa K, Kurata S, Yanagihashi Y, Brummelkamp TR, Matsuda F, Nagata S. Caspase-mediated cleavage of phospholipid flippase for apoptotic phosphatidylserine exposure. Science 344: 1164-8, 2014
Elucidation of molecular and cellular mechanisms of self-recognition regulated by intracellular protein homeostasis

改正 恒康 / Tsuneyasu Kaisho
Genetic variants of the molecules that regulate protein degradation and transport within cells lead to various immune and inflammatory disorders, indicating that the protein degradation and transport system was critical for the immune surveillance. We have identified a novel genetic variant of a subunit of proteasome in patients with autoinflammation and acquired immunodeficiency. Proteasome is a protein complex consisting of several subunits and is involved not only in degradation and removal of useless or inadequately folded proteins but also in the processing of antigenic peptides from various self or non-self proteins. We have then found that manifestations of the patients were significantly recapitulated in mutant mice carrying the variant and that the genetic variant is the cause of the disease. We aim to elucidate merits and sins of self-recognition by the immune system through the analysis on genetic variants that were identified in patients with various kinds of immune disorders such as autoinflammation and/or immunodeficiency.
- Kanazawa N, Hemmi H, Kinjo N, Ohnishi H, Hamazaki J, Mishima H, Kinoshita A, Mizushima T, Hamada S, Hamada K, Kawamoto N, Kadowaki S, Honda Y, Izawa K, Nishikomori R, Tsumura M, Yamashita Y, Tamura S, Orimo T, Ozasa T, Kato T, Sasaki I, Fukuda-Ohta Y, Wakaki-Nishiyama N, Inaba Y, Kunimoto K, Okada S, Taketani T, Nakanishi K, Murata S, Yoshiura KI, Kaisho T. Heterozygous missense variant of the proteasome subunit β-type 9 causes neonatal-onset autoinflammation and immunodeficiency Nat. Commun. 12: 6819, 2021
- Kato T, Yamamoto M, Honda Y, Orimo T, Sasaki I, Murakami K, Hemmi H, Fukuda-Ohta Y, Isono K, Takayama S, Nakamura H, Otsuki Y, Miyamoto T, Takita J, Yasumi T, Nishikomori R, Matsubayashi T, Izawa K, Kaisho T. Augmentation of STING-induced type I interferon production in COPA syndrome. Arthritis. Rheumatol. 73: 2105-15, 2021
- Ohta T, Sugiyama M, Hemmi H, Yamazaki C, Okura S, Sasaki I, Fukuda Y, Orimo T, Ishii KJ, Hoshino K, Ginhoux F, Kaisho T. Crucial roles of XCR1-expressing dendritic cells and the XCR1-XCL1 chemokine axis in intestinal immune homeostasis. Sci. Rep. 6:23505, 2016

佐々木 泉 / Izumi Sasaki
Intracellular localization of proteins and their transport among various organelle are critically involved in immune sensing systems such as inflammasomes. This perturbation leads to various kinds of immune disorders. Coatomer subunit alpha (COPA) syndrome is an autoinflammatory disease accompanied with activation of adaptive immunity and is caused by heterozygous genetic variants of COPA, which is a subunit of a protein complex involved in intracellular protein transport. We have generated the mutant mice carrying a novel genetic variant of COPA found in a family of Japanese patients and found that the mutant mice showed an interstitial lung disease and type I interferonopathy, as found in the patients. Analysis on the mutant dendritic cells revealed that an intracellular DNA sensor pathway is activated by disturbance of intracellular transport, thereby causing the type I interferonopathy. We aim to clarify the molecular and cellular mechanisms not only how intracellular protein transport contributes to cellular, tissue and individual homeostasis (merits) but also how dysregulation of this homeostasis leads to various immune and inflammatory disorders (sins) by analyzing the mutant mice carrying the genetic variants found in patients.
- Kato T, Yamamoto M, Honda Y, Orimo T, Sasaki I, Murakami K, Hemmi H, Fukuda-Ohta Y, Isono K, Takayama S, Nakamura H, Otsuki Y, Miyamoto T, Takita J, Yasumi T, Nishikomori R, Matsubayashi T, Izawa K, Kaisho T. Augmentation of STING-induced type I interferon production in COPA syndrome. Arthritis. Rheumatol. 73:2105-15, 2021
- Orimo T, Sasaki I, Hemmi H, Ozasa T, Fukuda-Ohta Y, Ohta T, Morinaka M, Kitauchi M, Yamaguchi T, Sato Y, Tanaka T, Hoshino K, Katayama KI, Fukuda S, Miyake K, Yamamoto M, Satoh T, Furukawa K, Kuroda E, Ishii KJ, Takeda K, Kaisho T. Cholera toxin B induces interleukin-1β production from resident peritoneal macrophages through the pyrin inflammasome as well as the NLRP3 inflammasome. Int. Immunol. 31: 657-68, 2019
- Sasaki I, Hoshino K, Sugiyama T, Yamazaki C, Yano T, Iizuka A, Hemmi H, Tanaka T, Saito M, Sugiyama M, Fukuda Y, Ohta T, Sato K, Ainai A, Suzuki T, Hasegawa H, Toyama-Sorimachi N, Kohara H, Nagasawa T, Kaisho T. Spi-B is critical for plasmacytoid dendritic cell function and development, Blood 120: 4733-43, 2012
Elucidation of molecular mechanisms that sense the accumulation of self-proteins by the analysis of hereditary inflammatory disorders

安友 康二 / Koji Yasutomo
本領域研究では、我々が原因遺伝子を同定したプロテアソーム機能異常に起因するproteasome-associated autoinflammatory syndromes (PRAAS)をモデルとして、自己タンパク質の質的および量的変化を感知する機構を解明する事を目指す。PRAASでは、プロテアソームによる自己タンパク質の正常な感知と分解の異常が引き起こされる。ところが、細胞内タンパク質の量的変化がどのような機序により異常な細胞応答を引き起こしているかについては未解明である。本計画では、各種の遺伝子改変マウスを用いて、細胞内タンパク質の量的変動を定量的に解析し、閾値を超えた際に発症する病態の分子機序を解析する。その解析から、細胞内タンパク質の量的な平衡状態が維持する自己認識の「功」的側面としての免疫寛容維持機構と、その破綻によって引き起こされる「罪」的側面としての病態発症機構を解明する事を目指す。
Intracellular proteins levels are tightly controlled and dysregulation of the homeostasis causes various cellular responses including cell death. The proteasomes are protein degradation machineries that target ubiquitinated proteins. There are three types of proteasomes; standard proteasome, immunoproteasomes and thymoproteasomes. Our group discovered a mutation in PSMB8 that is a component of immunoproteasomes (proteasome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome; PRAAS) and the mutation caused panniculitis, lipodystrophy and splenomegaly. Subsequent studies revealed the mutations in other proteasomes components in PRAAS patients. The mutation in proteasomes subunits disturbs the proteasomes assembly, which eventually leads to low number of mature proteasomes in the cells and thus low proteasomes activity. However, it remains unclear how dysfunction of immunoproteasomes triggers various symptoms and aberrant cellular responses in PRAAS patients. Thus, we here aim to elucidate the sensing mechanisms about qualitative and quantitative changes of protein levels inside the cells by evaluating PRAAS. We also aim the establish animal models of PRAAS to address the molecular mechanism of various symptoms and cellular responses. We will quantitatively analyze the quantitative c/ qualitative changes in intracellular proteins using genetically engineered mice, and analyze the molecular mechanisms of the pathological conditions that develop when thresholds are exceeded. We also plan to establish in vitro screening systems to evaluate the association of dysregulated proteasomes activity and inflammatory responses. By those analysis, we will address how cells regulates intracellular proteins levels and how immune receptors sense those changes in order to achieve the goals of this collaborative grant.
- Tsukumo SI, Subramani PG, Seija N, Tabata M, Maekawa Y, Mori Y, Ishifune C, Itoh Y, Ota M, Fujio K, Di Noia JM, Yasutomo K. AFF3, a susceptibility factor for autoimmune diseases, is a molecular facilitator of immunoglobulin class switch recombination. Sci Adv. 2022
- Takezaki A, Tsukumo SI, Setoguchi Y, Ledford JG, Goto H, Hosomichi K, Uehara H, Nishioka Y, Yasutomo K. A homozygous SFTPA1 mutation drives necroptosis of type II alveolar epithelial cells in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. J. Exp. Med. 216: 2724-35, 2019
- Maekawa Y, Ishifune C, Tsukumo SI, Hozumi K, Yagita H, Yasutomo K. Notch controls the survival of memory CD4+ T cells by regulating glucose uptake. Nat. Med. 21: 55-61, 2015
Mechanisms of immune homeostasis and responses based on T cell mediated self-recognition

木村 元子 / Motoko Kimura
T細胞は免疫応答の中枢を担う細胞である。遺伝子再構成によって形成された多様性のある抗原受容体 (TCR) は、胸腺にて自己抗原との相互作用の違いにより、さまざまなT細胞へと分化成熟を遂げる。なかでも自然免疫型T細胞と呼ばれるT細胞群は自己抗原への反応性が強いことが想定されているが、その認識抗原や機能の実態は不明である。またT細胞はTCRを介した抗原認識によって活性化する一方で、その制御にはTCR以外の補助受容体様分子が不可欠である。とりわけ申請者は、レクチン様分子CD69が、T細胞上で自己成分を認識する補助受容体様分子として機能することを明らかにしてきた。本計画研究では、TCRと補助受容体様分子による自己成分認識がもたらす、「功」としての組織保護作用、「罪」としての炎症亢進作用、がん特異的T細胞の疲弊誘導の分子機構を明らかにすることで、これまで知られていないT細胞による自己成分感知の実体とその生物学的意義の解明を目的とする。
A highly diverse T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire generated by the random gene rearrangements is a fundamental property of an acquired immune system. Various kinds of T cell subsets are generated in the thymus depending on their specificities against self-antigens. “Innate-type T cells” are particularly assumed to have high reactivity to self-antigens, but actual self-antigens they recognize and their functions in a body have not been well understood. T cell activation is primarily induced by TCR stimulation, but also co-receptor-like molecules play crucial roles in T cell-mediated immune functions such as tissue protection and inflammation. Indeed, we have shown that the lectin-like molecule CD69 on T cells functions as a co-receptor-like molecule that recognizes self-components. Accordingly, we aim to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of that TCR and co-receptor-like molecule coordinately regulate immune function. Our goal is to reveal the previously unknown mechanism sensing self-component by T cells and its biological significance.
- *Kimura MY, Thomas J, Tai X, Cuinter TI, Shinzawa M, Etzensperger, R, Li Z, Love P, Nakayama T. *Singer A. Timing and duration of MHC I positive selection signals are adjusted in the thymus to prevent lineage errors. Nat. Immunol. 17: 1415-23, 2016 *Co-corresponding author
- #Hayashizaki K, #Kimura MY, #Tokoyoda K, Hosokawa H, Shinoda K, Hirahara K, Ichikawa T, Onodera A, Hanazawa A, Iwamura C, Kakuta J, Muramoto K, Motohashi S, Tumes DJ, Iinuma T, Yamamoto H, Ikehara Y, Okamoto Y, *Nakayama T. Myosin light chain 9 and 12 are functional ligands for CD69 that regulate airway inflammation. Sci. Immunol. 1: eaaf9154, 2016 #Co-first Author
- *Kimura, M.Y., Igi, A., Hayashizaki, K., Mita, Y., Shinzawa, M., Kadakia, T., Endo, Y., Ogawa, S., Yagi, R., Motohashi, S., Singer, A., and Nakayama, T.: CD69 prevents PLZFhi innate precursors from prematurely exiting the thymus and aborting NKT2 cell differentiation. Nat. Commun. 9: 3749, 2018. *Corresponding author

Tumor specific stem-like CD8T cells play a pivotal role in long-term maintenance of anti-tumor immune responses and are necessary for the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy. We discovered the lectin-like molecule CD69 as an important regulator of stem-like CD8T cells. In this study, we aim to clarify the mechanism of CD69-mediated self-recognition and develop the basis of anti-CD69 antibody therapy as a novel cancer treatment.
- Koyama-Nasu R, Wang Y, Hasegawa I, Endo Y, Nakayama T, Kimura, MY. The cellular and molecular basis of CD69 function in anti-tumor immunity. Int. Immunol. 2022 Jun 11 online ahead of print.
- Endo Y, Onodera A, Obata-Ninomiya K, Koyama-Nasu R, Asou HK, Ito T, Yamamoto T, Kanno T, Nakajima T, Ishiwata K, Kanuka H, Tumes DJ, Nakayama T. ACC1 determines memory potential of individual CD4+ T cells by regulating de novo fatty acid biosynthesis. Nat. Metab. 1: 261-75, 2019
- Mita Y, Kimura MY, Hayashizaki K, Koyama-Nasu R, Ito T, Motohashi S, Okamoto Y, Nakayama T. Crucial role of CD69 in anti-tumor immunity through regulating the exhaustion of tumor-infiltrating T cells. Int. Immunol. 30: 559-67, 2018
Differentiation of non-canonical regulatory monocytes triggered by perturbation in inner self

自然免疫系による異物の感知と活性化は、生体防御応答の起点となる必要不可欠なプロセスです。一方で、自然免疫の暴走は、組織傷害や自己免疫疾患の原因となる場合もあることから、過剰に活性化しないよう厳密に調節されています。最近まで、単球は、骨髄で産生されて末梢組織に移動し、病原体やがん細胞の殺傷に関与する攻撃的な自然免疫細胞と捉えられてきました。私たちの研究グループは、炎症回復期の骨髄では、炎症促進型の単球産生が減少する一方で、炎症調節型のサイトカインを産生する自然免疫細胞「制御性単球」が爆発的に増加することを発見しました。制御性単球を消去したマウスでは、腸炎に伴う傷害組織の修復が遅延したことから、この細胞が組織修復に寄与することが分かりました。 本計画では、制御性単球の分化、増殖、 組織分布、標的を明らかにしていくことで、「自己を保護する」機能に特化した自然免疫細胞が担う自己監視機構の実態を解明することを目指しています。
Innate immune system not only respond to non-self pathogens but also to materials that are generated in our body. This reaction is considered harmful because it can cause tissue injury or sometimes autoimmune diseases. However, we do not know whether self-recognition by innate immune system brings us any benefit.
Our group focus on a subset of monocytes that are barely observed in the steady-state but rapidly expand in the late phase of inflammation. These monocytes migrate to an inflammatory site and contribute to tissue repair, thereby named “regulatory monocytes”. Unlike classical monocytes arising from common monocytes progenitors, regulatory monocytes differentiate from progenitors that are believed as cells committed to become neutrophils. Human parallel to the mouse regulatory monocytes that also originate from neutrophil progenitors are found in peripheral blood. These findings suggest that generation of regulatory monocytes from neutrophil progenitors is a system conserved in mouse and human, may be harnessed to recover homeostasis disturbed by inflammatory stimuli.
Our group aims to identify factors driving the differentiation of regulatory monocytes. Findings obtained from this project may explain why our innate immune system developed an ability to respond to self-materials.
- Shibuya T, Kamiyama A, Sawada H, Kikuchi K, Maruyama M, Sawado R, Ikeda N, Asano K, Kurotaki D, Tamura T, Yoneda A, Imada K, Satoh T, Akira S, Tanaka M, Yotsumoto S. Immunoregulatory Monocyte Subset Promotes Metastasis Associated With Therapeutic Intervention for Primary Tumor. Front. Immunol. 12: 663115. 2021
- Ikeda N, Asano K, Kikuchi K, Uchida Y, Ikegami H, Takagi R, Yotsumoto S, Shibuya T, Makino-Okamura C, Fukuyama H, Watanabe T, Ohmuraya M, Araki K, Nishitai G, Tanaka M. Emergence of immunoregulatory Ym1+Ly6Chi monocytes during recovery phase of tissue injury. Sci. Immunol. 3: eaat0207, 2018
- Asano K, Takahashi N, Ushiki M, Monya M, Aihara F, Kuboki E, Moriyama S, Iida M, Kitamura H, Qiu CH, Watanabe T, Tanaka M. Intestinal CD169+ macrophages initiate mucosal inflammation by secreting CCL8 that recruits inflammatory monocytes.
Nat. Commun. 6: 7802, 2015

Recently, we found a subset of Ly6Chi monocytes that rapidly expand in the recovery phase of inflammation. As these monocytes displayed an immunoregulatory phenotype and contributed to tissue repair, we named these cells “regulatory monocytes”. Regulatory monocytes arise from granulocyte monocyte progenitors (GMP) through progenitors of neutrophil 1 (proNeu1), that were considered as cells committed to become neutrophils. We identified human CXCR1+CD14+ monocytes that also differentiate from neutrophil progenitors and suppress the proliferation of T cells as the counterpart for mouse regulatory monocytes. The goal of our project is to identify endogenous materials that selectively drive the differentiation of regulatory monocytes. By fate-mapping the differentiation of regulatory monocytes in peripheral tissues, we will determine how regulatory monocytes, and macrophages derived from them, promote tissue repair. We are eager to develop a new therapy for inflammatory diseases by accelerating the differentiation of regulatory monocytes in human.
- Shibuya T, Kamiyama A, Sawada H, Kikuchi K, Maruyama M, Sawado R, Ikeda N, Asano K, Kurotaki D, Tamura T, Yoneda A, Imada K, Satoh T, Akira S, Tanaka M, Yotsumoto S. Immunoregulatory Monocyte Subset Promotes Metastasis Associated With Therapeutic Intervention for Primary Tumor. Front. Immunol. 12: 663115, 2021
- Ikeda N, Asano K, Kikuchi K, Uchida Y, Ikegami H, Takagi R, Yotsumoto S, Shibuya T, Makino-Okamura C, Fukuyama H, Watanabe T, Ohmuraya M, Araki K, Nishitai G, Tanaka M. Emergence of immunoregulatory Ym1+ Ly6Chi monocytes during recovery phase of tissue injury, Sci. immunol. 3: eaat0207, 2018
- Kikuchi K, Iida M, Ikeda N, Moriyama S, Hamada M, Takahashi S, Kitamura H, Watanabe T, Hasegawa Y, Hase K, Fukuhara T, Sato H, Kobayashi EH, Suzuki T, Yamamoto M, Tanaka M, Asano K. Macrophages Switch Their Phenotype by Regulating Maf Expression during Different Phases of Inflammation, J. Immunol. 201: 635-651, 2018
Elucidating the mechanisms of regulatory T cell responses to self-ligands and their breakdown in autoimmune diseases

Regulatory T (Treg) cells are central to the establishment and maintenance of immunological self-tolerance and tissue homeostasis. The “master” transcription factor Foxp3 and T cell receptor (TCR) signals are key determinants of their differentiation and function. It is now well appreciated that Treg cells differentiate and exert immune suppressive functions upon TCR recognition of immunological self. Yet, the identity of self-antigens that are recognized by Treg TCRs and are relevant for immunological self-tolerance has been poorly elucidated. Through analyses of mouse models harboring missense Foxp3 mutations that were identified in patients with the autoimmune disease IPEX, we previously reported that the Foxp3 A384T mutation impairs effector differentiation and homeostasis of Treg cells and thereby causes inflammation in a tissue-restricted manner (Hayatsu et al., Immunity, 2017). Moreover, we have recently identified several Treg TCR clonotypes that are expanded in healthy wild-type tissues but not in inflamed mutant tissues and thus appear to be functionally important for Treg cells to suppress tissue inflammation. In this project, through unique collaborations with other teams, we aim to identify self-antigens recognized by these functionally relevant Treg TCR clonotypes and elucidate the antigen-specificity of Treg cell-mediated immune regulation required for immunological self-tolerance.
- Hayatsu N, Miyao T, Tachibana M, Murakami R, Kimura A, Kato T, Kawakami E, Endo TA, Setoguchi R, Watarai H, Nishikawa T, Yasuda T, Yoshida H, and Hori S. Analyses of a Mutant Foxp3 Allele Reveal BATF as a Critical Transcription Factor in the Differentiation and Accumulation of Tissue Regulatory T Cells. Immunity 47: 268-83 e9, 2017
- Miyao T, Floess S, Setoguchi R, Luche H, Fehling HJ, Waldmann H, Huehn J, and Hori S. Plasticity of Foxp3(+) T cells reflects promiscuous Foxp3 expression in conventional T cells but not reprogramming of regulatory T cells. Immunity 36: 262-75, 2012
- Hori S, Nomura T, and Sakaguchi S. Control of regulatory T cell development by the transcription factor Foxp3. Science 299: 1057-61, 2003

- Susukida T, Kuwahara S, Song B, Kazaoka A, Aoki S*, Ito K. The regulation of the immune tolerance system determines the susceptibility to HLA-mediated abacavir-induced dermal toxicity. Commun. Biol. 4: 1137, 2021
- Ikebuchi Y, Aoki S, Honma M, Hayashi M, Sugamori Y, Khan M, Kariya Y, Kato G, Tabata Y, Penninger JM, Udagawa N, Aoki K, Suzuki H. Coupling of bone resorption and formation by RANKL reverse-signaling. Nature 561: 195-200, 2018
- Susukida T, Aoki S, Kogo K, Fujimori S, Song B, Liu C, Sekine S, Ito K. Evaluation of immune-mediated idiosyncratic drug toxicity using chimeric HLA transgenic mice. Arch. Toxicol. 92: 1177-1188, 2018

免疫センサー分子に異常を持つ先天性自己免疫疾患患者を同定し、その発症機序を解明することは、動物モデルやin vitro解析、in silico解析から導き出された免疫センサーの自己・非自己認識機構が実際にヒトに存在し、その破綻がヒト自己免疫疾患発症の重要な原因であることを直接証明する唯一の方法である。私たちは若年重症SLE患者の遺伝学的解析から、Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7)の新規機能獲得変異を同定した。TLR7の機能獲得変異によるX連鎖顕性SLEは最近報告された疾患概念であるが、既報の変異は核酸認識を担うleucine rich repeat (LRR)内に存在し、核酸感受性亢進を介してtype I IFN過剰産生が起こりSLEを発症させる。一方、本患者の変異部位は既報とは異なる箇所に位置しており、既知の変異とは発症機序が異なる可能性がある。本研究では、新規機序が自己・非自己認識の恒常性を破綻させヒト自己免疫疾患を引き起こす可能性を検証し、新たな疾患概念の確立に挑戦する。
- Meguro K, Suzuki K, Hosokawa J, Sanayama Y, Tanaka S, Furuta S, Ikeda K, Takatori H, Suto A, Sakamoto A, Ohara O, Nakajima H. Role of Bcl-3 in the development of follicular helper T cells and in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 67: 2651-60, 2015
- Meguro K, Nakagomi D, Suzuki K, Hosokawa J, Fukuta T, Yokota M, Maezawa Y, Suto A, Nakajima H. SOCS3 expressed in M2 macrophages attenuates contact hypersensitivity by suppressing MMP-12 production. J. Invest. Dermatol. 136: 649-657, 2016
- Anastasakis DG, Meguro K †, Jacob A†, Konstantinidou P†, Claypool D, Cekan P, Haase AD, Hafner M. A non-radioactive, improved PAR-CLIP and small RNA cDNA library preparation protocol. Nucleic. Acids. Res. 49:e45, 2021 † These authors equally contributed to this work.

- Kato K, Ahmad S, Zhu Z, Young J, Mu X, Park S, Malik S, Hur S. Structural analysis of RIG-I-like receptors reveals ancient rules of engagement between diverse RNA helicases and TRIM ubiquitin ligases. Mol. Cell 81: 599-613, 2021
- Kato K, Nishimasu H, Oikawa D, Hirano S, Hirano H, Kasuya G, Ishitani R, Tokunaga F, Nureki O, Structural insights into cGAMP degradation by Ecto-nucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase 1. Nat. Commun. 9: 4424, 2018
- Kato K*, Omura H*, Ishitani R*, Nureki O. Cyclic GMP-AMP as an Endogenous Second Messenger in Innate Immune Signaling by Cytosolic DNA. Annu. Rev. Biochem, 20: 541-566, 2017

TLRは自然免疫を介した自己免疫応答の重要なセンサーであるが、研究が進んでいるのは地球上では動物種の0.5%%を占める哺乳類からのTLRにすぎない。TLRの進化的プロトタイプであるTollはショウジョウバエから見出され、我々を含むいくつかの研究により非感染性にTollが応答することが判明した。しかし、非感染時の活性化様式は哺乳類TLRとは異なり、制御システムは未解明である。加えて、TLRおよびTollは老化に伴って活性化するが、その免疫応答は個体差が大きく、個体差を生み出す根本原因も未だ不明である。本研究では、GWAS (Genome Wide Association Study)解析を含むショウジョウバエ遺伝学とプロテアーゼカスケードの生化学的な解析を行い、自己に対する自然免疫応答の新規制御機構および免疫応答の個体差を司る遺伝子座の同定を行う。
- Ming M, Obata F, Kuranaga E, *Miura, M. Persephone/Spӓtzle pathogen sensors mediate the activation of Toll receptor signaling in response to endogenous danger signals in apoptosis-deficient Drosophila. J. Biol. Chem. 289: 7558-7568, 2014
- Obata F, Kuranaga E, Tomioka K, Ming M, Takeishi A, Chen C-H, Soga T, *Miura M. Necrosis-driven systemic immune response alters SAM metabolism through the FOXO-GNMT axis. Cell Rep. 7: 821-833, 2014
- Kosakamoto H, Yamauchi T, Akuzawa-Tokita Y, Nishimura K, Soga T, Murakami T, Mori H, Yamamoto K, Miyazaki R, Koto A, *Miura M, *Obata F. Local necrotic cells trigger systemic immune activation via gut microbiome dysbiosis in Drosophila. Cell Rep. 32: 107938, 2020

- Nishida Y, Arakawa S, Fujitani K, Yamaguchi H, Mizuta T, Kanaseki T, Komatsu M, Otsu K, Tsujimoto Y, Shimizu S. Discovery of Atg5/Atg7-independent alternative macroautophagy. Nature 461: 654-8, 2009
- Yamaguchi H, Arakawa S, Kanaseki T, Miyatsuka T, Fujitani Y, Watada H, Tsujimoto Y, Shimizu S. Golgi membrane-associated degradation pathway in yeast and mammals. EMBO J. 35: 1991-2007, 2016
- Yamaguchi H, Honda S, Torii S, Shimizu K, Katoh K, Miyake K, Miyake N, Fujikake N, Sakurai HT, Arakawa S, Shimizu S. Wipi3 is essential for alternative autophagy and its loss causes neurodegeneration. Nat. Commun. 11: 5311, 2020

内在性RNAには多くの転写後修飾が付加されており、免疫センサーの応答性を調節することで炎症を調節している。N6-メチルアデノシン(m6A)は最も多いmRNA内部修飾の1つであり、mRNAの安定性や翻訳調節など様々な機能を発揮することが知られているが、炎症応答制御における役割については未だ不明な点が多い。本公募研究は、申請者が同定したRNA m6A修飾酵素METTL16とその修飾認識に関与するMTR4-核内RNAエクソソームを足掛かりとして、RNAのm6Aメチル化が過剰な炎症応答を抑制する機構を解明することを目的とする。本研究によりm6Aメチル化転写後修飾というmRNAの状態、およびこれを感知する自己指向性センサーとその炎症における功罪の理解を進め、炎症性疾患の病態解明やRNAワクチン開発への応用に繋げていくことを目指す。
- Yoshinaga M*, Han K, Morgens DW, Horii T, Kobayashi R, Tsuruyama T, Hia F, Yasukura S, Kajiya A, Cai T, Cruz PHC, Vandenbon A, Suzuki Y, Kawahara Y, Hatada I, Bassik MC, Takeuchi O*. The N(6)-methyladenosine methyltransferase METTL16 enables erythropoiesis through safeguarding genome integrity. Nat. Commun. 13: 6435, 2022 (*correspondence)
- Yoshinaga M, Takeuchi O. RNA binding proteins in the control of autoimmune diseases. Immunol. Med 42: 53-64, 2019
- Yoshinaga M, Nakatsuka Y, Vandenbon A, Ori D, Uehata T, Tsujimura T, Suzuki Y, Mino T, Takeuchi O. Regnase-1 Maintains Iron Homeostasis via the Degradation of Transferrin Receptor 1 and Prolyl-Hydroxylase-Domain-Containing Protein 3 mRNAs. Cell Rep. 19: 1614-1630, 2017

進化の過程で共生微生物は自己として認識されてきたが、その免疫学的意義は不明な点が多い。近年申請者は、MR1拘束性T細胞(以下MR1T細胞)が共生微生物由来代謝産物の認識を介して、膵臓での自己免疫性の慢性炎症を引き起こす能力を有することや(Shibata K., Nat. Commun.,2022)、自己免疫性眼疾患では治癒と視機能回復に貢献する(Yamana S., Shibata K., Mucosal Immunol.,2022)ことを見出した。これらの先行研究から共生微生物は、代謝産物を産生することで「外」の病原体を感知するために進化してきた獲得免疫機構を利用し、生体恒常性の制御に重要な役割を担うことが明らかとなった。しかし、MR1T細胞が生体内でどのような共生微生物由来代謝産物を認識し、どのような細胞と相互作用し病態を制御しているかは不明である。そこで当該課題では、自己分子として共生微生物由来代謝産物に着目し、それによる機能制御機構を明らかにすることで、自己の認識の免疫学的意義の解明を目指す。
- Shibata K, Motozono C, Nagae M, Shimizu T, Ishikawa E, Motooka D, Okuzaki D, Izumi Y, Takahashi M, Fujimori N, Wing JB, Hayano T, Asai Y, Bamba T, Ogawa Y, Furutani-Seiki M, Shirai M, Yamasaki S. Symbiotic bacteria-dependent expansion of MR1-reactive T cells causes autoimmunity in the absence of Bcl11b. Nat. Commun. 13: 6948, 2022
- Shibata K, Shimizu T, Nakahara M, Ito E, Legoux F, Fujii S, Yamada Y, Furutani-Seiki M, Lantz O, Yamasaki S, Watarai M, Shirai M. The intracellular pathogen Francisella tularensis escapes from adaptive immunity by metabolic adaptation. Life Sci. Alliance 5: e202201441, 2022
- Yamana S, Shibata K, Hasegawa E, Arima M, Shimokawa S, Yawata N, Takeda A, Yamasaki S, Sonoda KH. Mucosal-associated invariant T cells have therapeutic potential against ocular autoimmunity. Mucosal. Immunol. 15: 351-361, 2022

伊藤 美菜子
- Yamamoto S, Matsui A, Ohyagi M, Kikutake C, Harada Y, Iizuka-Koga M, Suyama M, Yoshimura A, Ito M*. In vitro generation of brain regulatory T cells by co-culturing with astrocytes. Front. Immunol. 13: 960036, 2022
- Ito M*, Komai K, Mise-Omata S, Iizuka-Koga M, Noguchi Y, Kondo T, Sakai R, Matsuo K, Nakayama T, Yoshie O, Nakatsukasa H, Chikuma S, Shichita T, Yoshimura A. Brain regulatory T cells suppress astrogliosis and potentiate neurological recovery. Nature 565: 246-250, 2019

- Seo GY*, Takahashi D*, Wang Q, Mikulski Z, Chen A, Chou TF, Marcovecchio P, McArdle S, Sethi A, Shui JW, Takahashi M, Surh CD, Cheroutre H, Kronenberg M. (*equal contribution) Epithelial HVEM maintains intraepithelial T cell survival and contributes to host protection. Sci Immunol. 7: eabm6931, 2022
- Takahashi D, Hoshina N, Kabumoto Y, Maeda Y, Suzuki A, Tanabe H, Isobe J, Yamada T, Muroi K, Yanagisawa Y, Nakamura A, Fujimura Y, Saeki A, Ueda M, Matsumoto R, Asaoka H, Clarke JM, Harada Y, Umemoto E, Komatsu N, Okada T, Takayanagi H, Takeda K, Tomura M, Hase K. Microbiota-derived butyrate limits the autoimmune response by promoting the differentiation of follicular regulatory T cells. EBioMedicine 58: 102913, 2020
- Isobe J, Maeda S, Obata Y, Iizuka K, Nakamura Y, Fujimura Y, Kimizuka T, Hattori K, Kim YG, Morita T, Kimura I, Offermanns S, Adachi T, Nakao A, Kiyono H, Takahashi D*, Hase K*. (*equal correspondence) Commensal-bacteria-derived butyrate promotes the T-cell-independent IgA response in the colon. Int. Immunol. 32: 243-258, 2020

- Takehara T, Wakamatsu E, Machiyama H, Nishi W, Emoto K, Azuma M, Soejima K, Fukunaga K, Yokosuka T. PD-L2 suppresses T cell signaling via coinhibitory microcluster formation and SHP2 phosphatase recruitment. Commun. Biol. 4: 581, 2021
- Yokosuka T, Takamatsu M, Kobayashi-Imanishi W, Hashimoto-Tane A, Azuma M, Saito T. Programmed cell death 1 forms negative costimulatory microclusters that directly inhibit T cell receptor signaling by recruiting phosphatase SHP2. J. Exp. Med. 209: 1201-17, 2012
- Yokosuka T, Sakata-Sogawa K, Kobayashi W, Hiroshima M, Hashimoto-Tane A, Tokunaga M, Dustin ML, Saito T. Newly generated T cell receptor microclusters initiate and sustain T cell activation by recruitment of Zap70 and SLP-76. Nat. Immunol. 6: 1253-62, 2005

舘野 浩章
- Mawaribuchi S, Shimomura O, Oda T, Hiemori K, Shimizu K, Yamase K, Date M, Tateno H. rBC2LCN-reactive SERPINA3 is a glycobiomarker candidate for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Glycobiology cwad009, 2023
- Minoshima F, Ozaki H, Odaka H, Tateno H. Integrated analysis of glycan and RNA in single cells. iScience 24: 102882, 2021
- Hirabayashi J, Yamada M, Kuno A, Tateno H. Lectin microarrays: concept, principle and applications. Chem. Soc. Rev. 42: 4443-58, 2013

CD4 T細胞は獲得免疫の中核を担うリンパ球であり、外来抗原特異的に活性化し感染防御に寄与する。これに対し申請者は、同細胞中に、自己抗原認識依存的に産生される「Memory-phenotype cell: MP細胞」を同定するとともに、その特徴的な自然免疫機能を報告した。そして、MP細胞が外来抗原特異的メモリー細胞とは質的に異なる独立した細胞群であることを証明し、その鑑別マーカーを同定した。さらに、MP細胞がMP1/2/17分画に細分される可能性を発見し、うち約半数を占めるMP1の詳細な分化機構や自然免疫機能を報告した。このことから、MP1/2/17にそれぞれ固有の分化機構や生体防御機能が存在する可能性が示唆される。一方、MP細胞の自己反応性から、同細胞が自己免疫・炎症性疾患の発症や腫瘍制御に寄与する可能性も考えられる。本研究は、MP細胞の生物学的特性や分化機構を解明するとともにその生理的・病理的機能を明らかにし、自己反応性の観点からT細胞恒常性維持機構の新たな理解を図るものである。
- Kawabe T, Ciucci T, Kim KS, Tayama S, Kawajiri A, Suzuki T, Tanaka R, Ishii N, Jankovic D, Zhu J, Sprent J, Bosselut R, Sher A. Redefining the foreign antigen and self-driven memory CD4+ T cell compartments via transcriptomic, phenotypic, and functional analyses. Front. Immunol. 13: 870542, 2022
- Kawabe T, Yi J, Kawajiri A, Hilligan K, Fang D, Ishii N, Yamane H, Zhu J, Jankovic D, Kim KS, Trinchieri G, Sher A. Requirements for the differentiation of innate T-bet(high) memory-phenotype CD4(+) T lymphocytes under steady state. Nat. Commun. 11: 3366, 2020
- Kawabe T, Jankovic D, Kawabe S, Huang Y, Lee PH, Yamane H, Zhu J, Sher A, Germain RN, Paul WE. Memory-phenotype CD4+ T cells spontaneously generated under steady-state conditions exert innate TH1-like effector function. Sci. Immunol. 2: eaam9304, 2017

- Maruhashi T, Sugiura D, Okazaki IM, Shimizu K, Maeda TK, Ikubo J, Yoshikawa H, Maenaka K, Ishimaru N, Kosako H, Takemoto T, Okazaki T. Binding of LAG-3 to stable peptide-MHC class II limits T cell function and suppresses autoimmunity and anti-cancer immunity. Immunity 55: 912-924.e8, 2022
- Maruhashi T, Sugiura D, Okazaki IM, Okazaki T.LAG-3: from molecular functions to clinical applications. J. Immunother Cancer 8: e001014, 2020
- Maruhashi T, Okazaki IM, Sugiura D, Takahashi S, Maeda TK, Shimizu K, Okazaki T. LAG-3 inhibits the activation of CD4+ T cells that recognize stable pMHCII through its conformation-dependent recognition of pMHCII. Nat. Immunol. 19: 1415-26, 2018

- Nitta T, Ota A, Iguchi T, Muro R, Takayanagi H. The fibroblast: an emerging key player in thymic T cell selection. Immunol. Rev. 302: 68-85, 2021
- Nitta T, Tsutsumi M, Nitta S, Muro R, Suzuki EC, Nakano K, Tomofuji Y, Sawa S, Okamura T, Penninger JM, Takayanagi H. Fibroblasts as a source of self-antigens for central immune tolerance. Nat. Immunol. 21: 1172-1180, 2020
- Nitta T, Kochi Y, Muro R, Tomofuji, Y, Okamura T, Murata S, Suzuki H, Sumida T, Yamamoto K, Takayanagi H. Human thymoproteasome variations influence CD8 T cell selection. Sci. Immunol. 2: eaan5165, 2017

- Hangai S, Kawamura T, Kimura Y, Chang CY, Hibino S, Yamamoto D, Nakai Y, Tateishi R, Oshima M, Oshima H, Kodama T, Moriya K, Koike K, Yanai H, Taniguchi T. Orchestration of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the tumor microenvironment by ubiquitous cellular protein TCTP released by tumor cells. Nat. Immunol. 22: 947-57, 2021
- Eto S, Yanai H, Hangai S, Kato D, Nishimura R, Nakagawa T. The impact of damage-associated molecules released from canine tumor cells on gene expression in macrophages. Sci. Rep. 11: 8525, 2021
- Hangai S, Ao T, Kimura Y, Matsuki K, Kawamura T, Negishi H, Nishio J, Kodama T, Taniguchi T, Yanai H. PGE2 induced in and released by dying cells functions as an inhibitory DAMP. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 113: 3844-9, 2016

- Kenmoku H, Hori A, Kuraishi T, Kurata S. A novel mode of induction of the humoral innate immune response in Drosophila larvae. Dis. Model. Mech. 10: 271-281, 2017
- Kanoh H, Tong LL, Kuraishi T, Suda Y, Momiuchi Y, Shishido F, Kurata S. Genome-wide RNAi screening implicates the E3 ubiquitin ligase Sherpa in mediating innate immune signaling by Toll in Drosophila adults. Sci. Signal. 8: ra107, 2015
- Kuraishi T, Binggeli O, Opota O, Buchon N, Lemaitre B. Genetic evidence for a protective role of the peritrophic matrix against intestinal bacterial infection in Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 108: 15966-71, 2011

- Hirayasu K, Sun J, Hasegawa G, Hashikawa Y, Hosomichi K, Tajima A, TokunagaK, Ohashi J, Hanayama R. Characterization of LILRB3 and LILRA6 allelic variants in the Japanese population. J. Hum. Genet. 66: 739-748, 2021
- #Saito F, #Hirayasu K, Satoh T, Wang CW, Lusingu J, Arimori T, Shida K, Palacpac NMQ, Itagaki S, Iwanaga S, Takashima E, Tsuboi T, Kohyama M, Suenaga T, Colonna M, Takagi J, Lavstsen T, Horii T, Arase H. Immune evasion of Plasmodium falciparum by RIFIN via inhibitory receptors. Nature 552: 101-105, 2017 #Co-first Authors
- Hirayasu K, Saito F, Suenaga T, Shida K, Arase N, Oikawa K, Yamaoka T, Murota H, Chibana H, Nakagawa I, Kubori T, Nagai H, Nakamaru Y, Katayama I, Colonna M, Arase H. Microbially cleaved immunoglobulins are sensed by the innate immune receptor LILRA2. Nat. Microbiol. 1: 16054, 2016

近年、死細胞自身が情報の発信源となって多彩な生体応答を誘導することが明らかになり、非感染性炎症の慢性化における細胞死の意義が注目を集めている。 ネクロプトーシスやフェロトーシスなどの様々な新たな細胞死様式が報告され、細胞死の分子機構は明らかになりつつある一方で、死細胞がどのように処理されるかは不明な点が多い。特に、マクロファージが死細胞を認識し、貪食した後の消化スピードや死細胞の運命についてはほとんど分かっていない。本研究では、自然免疫センサーによる死細胞認識と速やかな死細胞クリアランスを「功」、その破綻により誘発される炎症慢性化を「罪」とし、死細胞クリアランス不全がもたらす炎症慢性化機構の解明を通して、死細胞貪食の重要性を明らかにする。本研究により、死細胞貪食という極めて基礎的なマクロファージ機能の全貌が明らかになるのみならず、その機能破綻による炎症慢性化の分子機構が明らかになると期待できる。
- Tanaka M, Saka-Tanaka M, Ochi K, Fujieda K, Sugiura Y, Miyamoto T, Kohda H, Ito A, Miyazawa T, Matsumoto A, Aoe S, Miyamoto Y, Tsuboi N, Maruyama S, Suematsu M, Yamasaki S, Ogawa Y#, Suganami T#. C-type lectin Mincle mediates cell death-triggered inflammation in acute kidney injury. J. Exp. Med. 217: e20192230, 2020
- Matsumoto A*#, Tanaka M*, Matsumoto H, Ochi K, Moro-Oka Y, Kuwata H, Yamada H, Shirakawa I, Miyazawa T, Ishii H, Kataoka K, Ogawa Y, Miyahara Y, Suganami T#. Synthetic "smart gel" provides glucose-responsive insulin delivery in diabetic mice. Sci. Adv. 3: eaaq0723, 2017 *Co-1st authors
- Tanaka M, Ikeda K, Suganami T#, Komiya C, Ochi K, Shirakawa I, Hamaguchi M, Nishimura S, Manabe I, Matsuda T, Kimura K, Inoue H, Inagaki Y, Aoe S, Yamasaki S, Ogawa Y#. Macrophage-inducible C-type lectin underlies obesity-induced adipose tissue fibrosis. Nat. Commun. 5: 4982, 2014

- Enomoto M, Igaki T. Cell-cell interactions that drive tumorigenesis in Drosophila. Fly 16: 367-381, 2022
- Enomoto M, Takemoto D, Igaki T. Interaction between Ras and Src clones causes interdependent tumor malignancy via Notch signaling in Drosophila. Dev. Cell 56: 2223-2236.e5, 2021
- Enomoto M, Igaki T. Src controls tumorigenesis via JNK-dependent regulation of the Hippo pathway in Drosophila. EMBO Rep. 14: 65-72, 2013

保仙 直毅
https://www.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/pub/bldon/ (JP)
http://www.ifrec.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/laboratory/naoki_hosen/ (EN/JP)
- Hasegawa K, Ikeda S, Yaga M, Watanabe K, Urakawa R, Iehara A, Iwai M, Hashiguchi S, Morimoto S, Fujiki F, Nakajima H, Nakata J, Nishida S, Tsuboi A, Oka Y, Yoshihara S, Manabe M, Ichihara H, Mugitani A, Aoyama Y, Nakao T, Hirose A, Hino M, Ueda S, Takenaka K, Masuko T, Akashi K, Maruno T, Uchiyama S, Takamatsu S, Wada N, Morii E, Nagamori S, Motooka D, Kanai Y, Oji Y, Nakagawa T, Kijima N, Kishima H, Ikeda A, Ogino T, Shintani Y, Kubo T, Mihara E, Yusa K, Sugiyama H, Takagi J, Miyoshi E, Kumanogoh A, Hosen N. Selective targeting of multiple myeloma cells with a monoclonal antibody recognizing the ubiquitous protein CD98 heavy chain. Sci. Transl. Med. 14: eaax7706, 2022
- Hosen N, Matsunaga Y, Hasegawa K, Matsuno H, Nakamura Y, Makita M, Watanabe K, Yoshida M, Satoh K, Morimoto S, Fujiki F, Nakajima H, Nakata J, Nishida S, Tsuboi A, Oka Y, Manabe M, Ichihara H, Aoyama Y, Mugitani A, Nakao T, Hino M, Uchibori R, Ozawa K, Baba Y, Terakura S, Wada N, Morii E, Nishimura J, Takeda K, Oji Y, Sugiyama H, Takagi J, Kumanogoh A. The activated conformation of integrin β7 is a novel multiple myeloma-specific target for CAR T cell therapy. Nat. Med. 23: 1436-1443, 2017
- Hosen N, Park CY, Tatsumi N, Oji Y, Sugiyama H, Gramatzki M, Krensky AM, Weissman IL. CD96 is a leukemic stem cell-specific marker in human acute myeloid leukemia. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 104: 11008-13, 2007

T細胞は発現する多様なT細胞受容体(T cell receptor; TCR)レパートリーによって様々な病原菌を排除する。近年、TCRによる自己リガンド認識は、その恒常性や生体防御応答 をも調整していることが明らかとなりつつある。我々はこの自己親和性の強度によって発現量が変動するCD5とCD6がTCRシグナルを制御する分子メカニズムを明らかにしてきた。これらの知見を基に、本研究ではTCRによる自己認識が生体防御応答に与える役割を分子レベルで理解することを目標として行う。とりわけこれまで困難であった多様なTCRレパトアが存在する野生型マウスでの解析を行うため、single cell RNA sequenceを用いた抗原特異的TCRの同定とCRISPR-Cas9を用いた遺伝子組換え法を駆使し、個々のT細胞が持つ自己指向性を測定しその後の活性化応答を解析する。これらのアプローチを効果的に用いることで、感染時に増殖する抗原特異的T細胞が持つ自己指向性と生体防御応答の関連性と、その功罪を担う分子基盤を明らかにすることを目的とする。
- Mori D, Grégoire C, Voisinne G, Celis-Gutierrez J, Aussel R, Girard L, Camus M, Marcellin M, Argenty J, Burlet-Schiltz O, Fiore F, Gonzalez de Peredo A, Malissen M, Roncagalli R, Malissen B. (*equally contributed) The T cell CD6 receptor operates a multitask signalosome with opposite functions in T cell activation. J. Exp. Med. 218: e20201011, 2021
- Mori D, Shibata K, Yamasaki S., C-type Lectin Receptor Dectin-2 Binds to an Endogenous Protein β-Glucuronidase on Dendritic Cells. PLoS One 12: e0169562, 2017
- Miyake Y, Toyonaga K, Mori D, Kakuta S, Hoshino Y, Oyamada A, Yamada H, Ono K, Suyama M, Iwakura Y, Yoshikai Y, Yamasaki S. (*equally contributed) C-Type Lectin MCL Is an FcRγ-Coupled Receptor that Mediates the Adjuvanticity of Mycobacterial Cord Factor. Immunity 38: 1050-62, 2013

東京大学定量生命科学研究所 客員准教授(兼任)
竹馬 俊介
- Chikuma S*, Yamanaka S, Nakagawa S, Ueda MT, Hayabuchi H, Tokifuji Y, Kanayama M, Okamura T, Arase H, Yoshimura A TRIM28 expression on dendritic cells prevents excessive T cell priming by silencing endogenous retrovirus. J. Immunol. 206: 1528-1539, 2021 *Corresponding Author
- Chikuma S*. Basics of PD-1 in self-tolerance, infection, and cancer immunity. Int. J. Clin. Oncol. 21: 448-455, 2016 *Corresponding Author
- Chikuma S, Suita N, Okazaki IM, Shibayama S, Honjo T. TRIM28 prevents autoinflammatory T cell development in vivo. Nat. Immunol. 13:596-603, 2012

- Amano S, Haniuda K, Fukao S, Aoki H, Ueha S, Kitamura D. Commensal bacteria and the lung environment are responsible for Th2-mediated memory yielding natural IgE in MyD88-deficient mice. J. Immunol. 210: 959-972, 2023
- Nihei Y, Haniuda K, Higashiyama M, Asami S, Iwasaki H, Fukao Y, Nakayama M, Suzuki H, Kikkawa M, Kazuno S, Miura Y, Suzuki Y, Kitamura D. Identification of IgA autoantibodies targeting mesangial cells redefines the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy. Sci. Adv. 9: eadd6734, 2023
- Haniuda K, Fukao S, Kodama T, Hasegawa H. Kitamura D. Autonomous membrane IgE signaling prevents IgE-memory formation. Nat. Immunol. 17: 1109-1117, 2016

- Nakajima T, Kanno T, Yokoyama S, Sasamoto S, Asou HK., Damon J T, Ohara O, Nakayama T, Endo Y.* ACC1-expressing pathogenic T helper 2 cell populations facilitate lung and skin inflammation.J. Exp. Med. 218: e20210639, 2021
- Endo Y, Onodera A, Ninomiya-Obata K, Nasu R, Asou HK, Ito T, Yamamoto T, Kanno T, Nakajima T, Ishiwata K, Kanuka H, Tumes DJ, and Nakayama T. ACC1 determines memory potential of individual CD4+ T cells by regulating de novo fatty acid biosynthesis. Nat. Metabolism. 1: 261-275, 2019
- Endo Y, Asou HK, Matsugae N, Hirahara K, Shinoda K, Tumes DJ, Tokuyama T, Yokote K, and Nakayama T. Obesity drives Th17 cell differentiation by inducing the lipid metabolic kinase, ACC1. Cell Rep. 12: 1042-1055, 2015

- Hirabayashi T, Kawaguchi M, Harada S, Mouri M, Takamiya R, Miki Y, Sato H, Taketomi Y, Yokoyama K, Kobayashi T, Tokuoka SM, Kita Y, Yoda E, Hara S, Mikami K, Nishito Y, Kikuchi N, Nakata R, Kaneko M, Kiyonari H, Kasahara K, Aiba T, Ikeda K, Soga T, Kurano M, Yatomi Y, Murakami M. Hepatic phosphatidylcholine catabolism driven by PNPLA7 and PNPLA8 supplies endogenous choline to replenish the methionine cycle with methyl groups. Cell Rep. 42: 111940, 2023
- Takeichi T, Hirabayashi T, Miyasaka Y, Kawamoto A, Okuno Y, Taguchi S, Tanahashi K, Murase C, Takama H, Tanaka K, Boeglin WE, Calcutt MW, Watanabe D, Kono M, Muro Y, Ishikawa J, Ohno T, Brash AR, Akiyama M. SDR9C7 catalyzes critical dehydrogenation of acylceramides for skin barrier formation. J. Clin. Invest. 130: 890-903, 2020
- Hirabayashi T, Anjo T, Kaneko A, Senoo Y, Shibata A, Takama H, Yokoyama K, Nishito Y, Ono T, Taya C, Muramatsu K, Fukami K, Muñoz-Garcia A, Brash AR, Ikeda K, Arita M, Akiyama M, Murakami M. PNPLA1 has a crucial role in skin barrier function by directing acylceramide biosynthesis. Nat. Commun 8: 14609, 2017